Episode 12: What We Are Taught: Why It Matters

What we are taught as doulas shapes the way we move within the birth world. It shapes how we interact with providers, nurses and other complementary professionals.

On this episode, we discuss the history of what doulas have been taught and why it matters. The messages that doulas were taught have influenced how providers perceive doulas. It hasn’t always been positive.

Some doula organizations teach doulas to set themselves apart from the providers. Even going as far as to tell doulas to not interact with providers. Be a fly on the wall.

Doulas have also been taught to not discuss their own experiences with their clients. When building a relationship of trust and intimacy with a client, doulas have been taught to shift the conversation away from what they would do and recenter the discussion on what the client wants to do. This can often leave the client feeling like they are the only one willing to be intimate and vulnerable.

Instead of being taught how to be non-judgmental and how to share without bias or judgment, doulas were taught to avoid sharing their own experiences from the start.

From sharing our personal stories, debunking the cascade of interventions, and avoiding speaking to providers, we take a closer look at why what we are taught matters, and why.

Come join us with our special guest, Randy Patterson and be sure to visit our Facebook page for a special giveaway!