Episode 43: Supporting VBAC
Supporting VBAC clients. What is VBAC? Vaginal Birth After Cesarean. This can be a rewarding yet challenging experience for doulas.
Understanding where your client is coming from is the first step to supporting VBAC clients. Understanding the client’s previous birth experience(s) will help you determine where your support may be needed most. Identifying what barriers or anxiety triggers may exist will also help you help them navigate labor with more confidence. As well as identifying what milestones or decisions they may face in labor that may be especially challenging or triggering.
In addition, validating our client’s experiences and emotions is essential. Even if we do not share our client’s experiences or beliefs. Some clients approach their births with confidence. While others feel that their bodies are somehow broken or that they failed in their first birth experience. Supporting VBAC clients who have a pass or fail mentality can be especially challenging.
It is important to understand the policies and philosophies surrounding VBAC for the providers and birth locations in your community. The provider or birth location that your client has chosen may be limited by location, finances, or insurance coverage for some clients. As a result, the birthing person may need to navigate their VBAC journey under less than optimal and supportive circumstances. Help with navigating these circumstances is one of the top reasons for hiring a doula.
Join us as we discuss the many facets of proving VBAC support to our clients.