Episode 54: Nuance of Post Cesarean Support

April is Cesarean Awareness Month!

We often hear discussions about supporting a client through a cesarean birth. Yet we don’t often hear about how to support our clients after a cesarean birth.

For labor doulas, post cesarean support can begin in the recovery room. As labor doulas, we may tidy up the labor room as the client and their partner are in the operating room. This can have a positive psychological impact on the client when they return to the room. Eliminating the visual noise of the room.

At times we may find ourselves opening up a discussion about the labor and cesarean experience. This creates an opportunity for the client to express their thoughts. In addition, it creates an opportunity to validate the client’s feelings. As labor doulas, much of the support that is provided will be emotional, or psychological. Physical assistance is often provided by assisting with breastfeeding.

For postpartum doulas, post-cesarean support often begins once the family is home from the hospital. Often the postpartum support after a cesarean is more information-heavy. As opposed to that of the labor doula. In addition, more physical support is often necessary for the early days/weeks of recovery. Little things like helping the client set up their home to optimize their recovery can have a substantial positive impact.

Come join us as we discuss the nuances of post-cesarean support as labor and postpartum doulas!