Sliding Scale for Doulas

Episode 69: Sliding Scales

A question we see frequently in doula forums is about sliding scales. Who uses them? How do you determine the low and high end of the scale? How do you make sure that those who can afford to pay, are honest about their ability to pay?

Some doulas will approach setting their fees on a scale from a perspective of access for those who may otherwise be unable to pay. Others will utilize a sliding scale as a part of work that they consider charitable.

Establishing a sliding scale requires several calculations. How much money do you need to be profitable? Have you established is the estimated amount of income you need to sustain and support your family? What are your expenses? What will your application process be? Do you have a set of policies that you will follow when processing applications? These calculations are typically based on the previous year’s revenue. But what if you don’t have previous experience and income to base these calculations on?

Many doulas underestimate the amount of time involved in setting up a sliding scale. Then there is the maintenance and moving prospective clients through the application and verification process. That is if you desire to run your doula practice as a business.

While part of the intention behind a sliding scale is accessibility, there is also psychology, a mindset if you will, that propels or attracts some individuals to the idea of a sliding scale. Oftentimes this psychology is rooted in poverty and the poverty mindset. Often this is coupled with questioning one’s self-worth.

Come join us as we discuss the ins and outs of sliding scales.