Episode 71: Supporting Adoption: Adoptive Parent(s)
November is National Adoption Month and so we continue the second part of our Supporting Adoption series.
For some, adoption has always been a part of the plan for growing their family. For others, adoption is an option that is considered due to infertility, loss, or other unanticipated circumstances.
In this episode, we take a look at how to support adoptive parents who will welcome a new baby to their family in the days or weeks after birth.
As a doula, supporting the adoptive family can come in many forms.
If the adoptive family will be present for the birth, a childbirth education class may be beneficial. Especially for those who have no previous birth experiences of their own. Helping them become informed of the process and what to expect.
It is not uncommon for adoptive parents to have their own fears surrounding welcoming a new baby home. Fears for the health of the baby. What if the birthparent(s) change their mind? Will the birth parent(s) want access to the baby after the birth while in the hospital? How do we navigate that?
As doulas, it is important to understand that there may be a different psychology at play for adoptive parents. The psychological demands and the desire to ‘do it right’ can often play into the early postpartum experiences for some adoptive parents.
Come join us as we take a look at the ins and outs of supporting adoptive parents!