Episode 93: Doula Consult vs. Interview
On the surface, the difference between a doula consult vs. a doula interview seems virtually nonexistent. However, the intentions behind each can be vastly different. Depending on where a doula trains, an interview may be where a doula decides if they want to work with a particular family. Or an interview is a place where a doula “teases” what they have to offer. But reserves providing information and genuinely engaging in offering a deeper level of information and support until hired.
A consultation is where a family can meet with a doula to gather information and advice. It’s an opportunity for the doula to create a vision of what it looks like to receive their support. A doula consult is where the doula paints a picture of what it looks like, feels like, and what the experience of working with you as a doula will be like.
An interview is a space to gather information, typically via a list of questions someone wants to ask. This is great for the family searching for a doula. But it doesn’t often allow space for the doula to discover what the family wants and needs in an engaging manner. It doesn’t allow the doula to demonstrate how they can meet that need. When the doula has a list of questions to decide if they are a good match for this family, it can quickly make the interaction impersonal.
Join us as we discuss the nuances of the doula consult vs. the doula interview.