• Placenta Services

    Episode 116: Benefits of Placenta Services

    There are many benefits to adding placenta services as a part of the services you offer. While there is a benefit to the clients who utilize this service, there are also benefits to those who offer it. Processing the placenta for encapsulation in the client’s home brings a wealth of benefits to the client in addition to safety. It also allows the encapsulator to sit down with the client and check on how they are recovering from birth. In addition, they can also check in on the newborn and how they are transitioning to life outside the uterus. Offering encapsulation as a labor doula allows you to continue your support…

  • Client Conversations

    Episode 115: Client Conversations

    Learning how to initiate and lead conversations between prospective clients and clients is an essential skill in doula work. Yet at times, doulas often feel unsure about what to ask or how to keep the client conversations going. Beyond the core questions of due date, location of delivery, and basic contact information, what other information a doula feels is important to learn will vary from individual to individual. When thinking of potential client conversations, consider asking questions that allow you to create an organic flow that helps the prospective client visualize what it would be like to have your support. These conversations cultivate a connection, build trust and mutual respect,…

  • Active Labor

    Episode 114: Supporting Active Labor

    There are many facets to consider when supporting a client through active labor. This stage of labor is often an opportunity to become more physically active and present in client support. However, it is also important to remember to alternate periods of activity with rest during active labor. When supporting clients through this stage of labor, it is essential to remember to match the mood of the room. As the client becomes more internally focused, conversation and excitement will fade. It is common for conversations to move from sentences to one-word replies. When providing support during this stage, it’s also helpful to consider the senses of the laboring person. Sights,…

  • Episode 113: Free Samples

    A common inquiry in many online doula communities is where to find free samples to give to clients. While it’s likely true that most people love a freebie, are they actually free? Many individuals don’t consider the cost of their time in requesting, processing, storing, and handing out freebies. Additionally, many companies that give out products for freebies are multimillion-dollar companies with marketing budgets to promote their product. But the birth professionals are not compensated for their time, recommendation, and efforts. When considering giving out freebies to clients, it’s also essential to consider the message that may be sent. Could handing out a sample of lactation tea send the message…

  • Episode 112: Continuing Education

    As birth professionals, education surrounding the perinatal period is an ongoing process. While it is impossible to learn everything about pregnancy, birth, and postpartum, countless opportunities are available to expand your knowledge base. But how do you decide which topics to choose? When thinking about continuing education, think out of the box. Postpartum doulas may benefit from a culinary course to assist with meal prep or to offer postpartum meal planning. Labor doulas may benefit from childbirth education training to deepen their knowledge of pregnancy and birth. Also, consider continuous education that will expand your global knowledge. Courses about trauma-informed care, and working with people who are differently abled, neurodiverse,…

  • Social Media Boundaries

    Episode 111: Social Media Boundaries

    Undoubtedly, social media plays a big role in our lives and how we communicate with the world. Social media platforms have become a big part of marketing products and services. Learning how to navigate social media as a business owner creates unique challenges. One of the challenges is creating and maintaining social media boundaries. As business owners, birth workers must determine how little or how much of their business and lives are shared on social media. On platforms such as Facebook, you can create groups and post to only those groups. This allows friends and family to see the post while preventing clients from seeing it. Some individuals may create…

  • Value of Doula Work

    Episode 110: The Value of Doula Work

    When we think about the value of doula work, we must consider two perspectives—the perspective of the doula and the client’s perspective. Before a doula can successfully market their services, they must understand their value to potential clients. While the hallmark of doula work is providing support, the doula must sell their service before client support can begin. Many doulas struggle to communicate the monetary value of their services. There is a tendency for doulas to undervalue their services. Many are encouraged to provide services for free either from training organizations or other doulas in their community. Many doulas set the value of doula work based on their socioeconomic status.…

  • Episode 109: Supporting Early Labor

    Supporting early labor is a necessary skill for labor doulas. Yet many doulas may not know how to approach early labor from a mindset of patience vs the instinct to try to move labor along. Early labor can be a time of anxiety and doubt for expecting families. Contractions may come and go, and they often wonder, “Is this labor?” They often look to their doulas for support and advice. The tincture of time is one of the most useful tools for supporting clients through early labor. Yet many doulas recommend activities such as walking, sex, nipple stimulation and may other approaches that risk physically exhausting the client long before…

  • Doula fees and payments

    Episode 108: Navigating Doula Fees and Payments

    One of the more challenging aspects of becoming a doula is navigating doula fees and payments. One of the most common decisions is how to take payment for the services you will provide. There is a tendency for doulas to want to avoid credit card processing fees. They often do this by using peer-to-peer payment options such as Paypal, Venmo or platforms such as Cashapp. Using these payment systems as an individual vs. as a business and with the related processing fees to you is a common but dangerous practice. Using a personal account for business transactions can result in the account being closed and the funds lost. In addition…

  • transitional labor

    Episode 107: Supporting Transitional Labor

    Transitional labor is the third phase of the first stage of labor. It is also considered the most challenging phase of labor, especially for those giving birth without pain medication. During the transition phase of labor, contractions occur every 1-2 minutes and last approximately 60-90 seconds. The cervix dilates from 8-10 centimeters. This is the phase of labor where many laboring individuals want to quit. They may express an inability to go on. Or may question their desire to avoid pain medication. This is often the phase of labor where a client may express, “I don’t want to do this anymore. I want to go home. I can’t do this.…