Episode 2: Placenta Encapsulation Chat

Let’s chat about placenta encapsulation!

Together with our guest host, Kristyn Blocher, Eva and Angela dig into the “meat” of the common concerns surrounding placenta encapsulation.

Are you someone who encapsulates placentas? Perhaps you are thinking about learning how to encapsulate placentas as a part of your birth related business. Or maybe you are a consumer wanting to have your placenta encapsulated.

If you fit the descriptions above, this episode is for you!

Without a doubt, we love the placenta in all its glory. Not only is it a magnificent organ that facilitates a wonderous process of supporting life.  It also provides nutrients and hormones after birth through the practice of placentaphagy.

Yet the fascination and power of this organ can lead some who encapsulate placentas into a false sense of security.  As a result, they often fail to recognize the potential dangers of the encapsulation process.

In this episode, we discuss common attitudes towards the placenta and the hidden dangers that can exist within such a belief system.

Does where the placenta is encapsulated really matter?

When it comes to safety, what should families looking to have their placenta encapsulated be aware of?

Take a listen and come join the discussion on our FaceBook page.