Episode 20: Birth Stories and Gift Giving

Let’s talk about writing birth stories and giving gifts to clients.

Many doulas have been taught to provide a written account of their client’s birth. For some, this practice begins as a part of the certification process. Others are taught or assume that it’s a necessary part of the services doulas offer.

But what are the potential drawbacks to providing a written record of the client’s experience?

Are birth stories really beneficial to the client’s experience?

In this episode, we also talk about gift-giving.

Some doulas consider gift-giving a nice thing to do. Others look at gift-giving as a form of marketing.  But is there really a good return on investment in terms of marketing? Are those branded items really making an impact?

Come join us as we discuss the ins and outs of birth stories and gift-giving and where these ideas come from and our thoughts on these practices.