Episode 21: Season 1 Wrap Up

It’s been an amazing season here at Doulas of the Roundtable! We hit the ground running back in March and it’s been a whirlwind of activity ever since!

In the past nine months, we’ve created some amazing content. This has been evidenced by the incredible number of downloads we’ve received.

Over 13,000 Episode downloads!

While the majority of our episodes received lots of download love, it is very clear that there are five that were the most loved.  Check out of top five episodes below!

Our Top 5 Most Downloaded Episodes

  1. Old School vs New School Doulas
  2. Self Confidence
  3. Supporting Infant Feeding
  4. What We Are Taught As Doulas: Why It Matters
  5. Birth Bags

Some of our episodes are challenging. They challenge beliefs that we and others have held as true. We sometimes learn that what we thought was true, is indeed incorrect or false. This is a challenging process. Yet challenging these beliefs are how we learn and grow.

But those growing pains, they can be very challenging.

Come join us as we discuss our own favorite episodes and get a sneak peek into the topics that we are planning to cover in season two.

Season Two of Doulas of the Roundtable launches January 10, 2020!

Come follow us on our Facebook Page and on Instagram for more information and to discuss your thoughts!