• doula agency myths

    Episode 103: Doula Agency Myths

     When it comes to the ins and outs of how a doula agency works, many myths exist. The truth is, there are many perks to working with a doula agency. For many, the team approach creates a desirable environment where birth workers can find support. Others love being able to focus on the client-facing work and leave the client acquisition process to someone else. Not good at marketing? The agency does that for you. Worried about collecting and tracking client payments? The agency has that covered. Credit card fees, the agency takes care of those too. One of the biggest myths we see surrounding working with an agency is…

  • Episode 102: Doula Self Care

    As doulas, we often give so much of ourselves as we help families navigate labor and the postpartum period. Yet self-care as a doula is often something that falls along the wayside. We often work with clients at their most vulnerable during one of life’s biggest transitions. While our work with one client ends, we often step in to support the next client through similar ups and downs. While this never-ending cycle can leave us feeling energized and empowered, it can also leave doulas feeling emotionally and physically spent. Doula self-care can come in many different forms. While massage and bodywork are common suggestions, music therapy, art therapy, and even…

  • Episode 101: Prelabor Rupture of Membranes

    Prelabor rupture of membranes or PROM is the spontaneous rupture of the amniotic sac without contractions for an hour or more after the 37th week of pregnancy.  Premature prelabor rupture of membranes or PPROM, is the spontaneous rupture of membranes without contraction for an hour or more before the 37th week of pregnancy. PROM is experienced by approximately 8% of pregnant individuals. Less than 1% of pregnant individuals will experience PPROM Doulas often blame PROM on a baby in a “bad” position. Leading each other to believe that labor will not begin if the baby’s position is not “corrected.” However, data demonstrate that 95% of individuals who experience PROM will…

  • Episode 100: Stripping Membranes

    Stripping membranes or membrane sweep is a common intervention performed in the final weeks of pregnancy. While this may seem like a simple intervention, it is important for clients to understand what they may experience. Stripping of the amniotic membranes stimulates the production of oxytocin and prostaglandins. This intervention serves two purposes. The first is to try to hasten the ripening of the cervix. The second is to try and stimulate the onset of labor. While this procedure may be uncomfortable or painful when performed, the goal is to stimulate cervical change and contractions in the time that follows. As a result, pregnant individuals often experience spotting, bleeding, and contractions.…

  • Episode 99: Season 4 Wrap Up

    Once again, we have come to the end of another fantastic season. We are honored to share yet another year with you, talking about the work we love. We can feel the love and passion that you have for the topics that we talk about. Your feedback and the number of listeners we have show us every day how much you value Doulas of the Roundtable. This past year has brought us many interesting and exciting conversations. We look back at our favorite episodes from Season Four along with your most consumed episodes. Catch a sneak peek into Season 5 as we talk about kicking off a new season and…

  • Episode 98: Business Resources

    Few birth workers enter the profession thinking that they are starting a business. However, many soon realize that understanding business means finding business resources tailored specifically to our unique work. A wise person once said, “Do not take advice from someone who isn’t where you want to be in your business.” That person is our good friend and business mentor, Randy Patterson. Randy is the founder and CEO of ProDoula, a successful doula agency owner and business mentor to countless doulas and doula agencies. In this episode, we take a deep dive into the resources available to doulas and other birth workers to help guide them on their path to…

  • Episode 97: The Well Rounded Doula

    In the doula community, there is often a line of demarcation between “new” doulas and “seasoned doulas.” Yet no clear line exists that determines when one is no longer considered new. So the question is, when does one become an experienced doula, and how is that experience defined? Could it be that a well-rounded doula can enter this work right from the start? The simple fact is that someone just beginning their doula journey can support a client just as effectively as a doula with years of experience. Doulas often focus on the number of births to define new vs. experienced. Yet, for expectant families, connection with the doula often…

  • Due Date

    Episode 96: Due Date Dilemma

    One of the most common questions amongst labor doulas surrounds due dates. Should I take two clients due on the same date? What is the optimal spacing between clients? Is it better to take clients due further apart or closer together? The truth is, there’s no straightforward answer to these common questions. Experience tells us that EDD is just a number on a calendar and that clients may deliver weeks before or after their given date. One thing is for certain, working with a backup doula is essential. Join us as we discuss the many factors to consider surrounding the due date dilemma.

  • doula business person

    Episode 95: Doula Business Chat

    Becoming a doula means that you are starting a doula business. Many doulas overlook this first step. Or this information is not a big part of their doula training. Understanding the ins and outs of starting a business is important. Creating a legal business structure, setting up business accounts for banking, taking payments, and offering services are critical first steps. These steps not only protect your business but can protect your personal assets as well. Running a business means that you need to manage many aspects of your doula business daily. Working with clients is a part of what you will do as you work in your business. But it…

  • Episode 94: How to Know When to Go

    Doulas new to labor support have a common question; “How will I Know when it’s time to go?” Doula clients often have a version of the same question; “How will we know when to go?” The answers to these questions may seem relatively simple, but in practice, the answer can be pretty complex. Factors that doulas may consider include: what are the frequency and duration of contractions, how the client copes with the contractions, would the client benefit from the reassurance that moving to their birth location can offer, does the client have any medical risk factors that warrant closer monitoring. Helping clients distinguish between practice labor and progressive labor…