Episode 18: The Virtual Doula
In this episode, we take a look at the concept of “the virtual doula.” A virtual doula is a doula that provides a ‘client’ emotional and informational support remotely. They are not physically present for pre-birth meetings or the birth. Instead, they utilize phone, video or text messaging to support a client during pregnancy and birth. By definition, doulas provide physical, emotional and informational support. So can a doula really provide the full scope of doula services without being physically present to provide continuous physical support? Join us as we discuss the ins and outs of virtual support along with the possible drawbacks to both the doula, the client and…
Episode 17: Physical vs Emotional Pain
When we think about pain surrounding labor and birth, physical pain is usually what comes to mind. Yet the emotional pain experienced during labor can contribute to a traumatic experience and may often be left undetected by doulas. Clients often expect physical sensation or pain during labor. Yet when they feel overwhelming emotions during the process they may be taken off guard. As doulas, one of our roles is to help clients navigate both the physical and emotional pains of labor. One of the ways we do this is by being mindful if a client is coping vs suffering. Come join us as we discuss how we can best support…
Episode 16: Doula Philosophies
Let’s talk doula philosophies. What does that mean? Do you have one? Do you allow them to dictate which clients you support? In this episode, we talk about some of the philosophies that we know doulas subscribe to and the reasons why. We try to unpack the reasons why doulas support some clients vs. others. Being a doula is not a philosophy, it’s a profession. Or at least it is to us. While we all bring our own life experience to working with clients, our personal philosophies should be left at the client’s door. Saying this is one thing, practicing it is quite another. In this episode, we cover a…
Episode 15: Doula Support – The Partner’s Perspective
As doulas supporting the partner is as important as supporting the birthing person. We often hear lots of feedback from the birthing person about how the doula helped them through the process, but we hear from partners with far less frequency. In this episode, we explore the partner’s perspective with a fan of the podcast and one of our own Tucson Doulas’ clients. Join us as Jo Jo shares and what he thought a doula was. What lead Jo Jo and his partner to hire a doula. How they found a doula to interview local to them. Why it’s important for doulas to be responsive to inquiries and return calls and…
Episode 14: Interventions – The Cascade of Interventions
Have you ever heard the phrase, “The cascade of interventions”? You know, that concept of agreeing to one intervention in labor will inevitably lead your client to another. And another, and yet another? Many doula training organizations teach this concept, but is it actually accurate? Is it possible that they have it all wrong? Most importantly, are they adequately preparing doulas to support clients who choose or need interventions in their births? In this episode, we explore the paradigm of interventions during labor and birth. Does this paradigm actually support and teach doulas to provide the best care to clients who need intervention? Or does it leave doulas lacking the…
Episode 13: Agency vs Independent Contractor vs Solo Doula
One of the first decisions you will make about your doula business is one that determines your doula business structure. Before you create your LLC, secure insurance or even choose a name, you’ll need to decide how your business will be run. Will you simply open a solo practice? Do you want to start an agency? Or would you prefer to be an independent contractor? Each of the options has its own unique benefits and drawbacks. Do you want to call all the shots and love working on your own? Perhaps you envision a team of doulas or other birth professionals working together to serve your community. Or do you…
Is My Appearance Holding Me Back?
Short answer? Not at all. However, if you had asked me this 5 years ago I would have said yes, but now I know better. I KNOW NOW THAT MY APPEARANCE WASN’T HOLDING ME BACK BUT MY MINDSET SURE WAS. When I first started taking the steps to become a doula I was really in my head about what I had to offer my future clients. I filled my mind with the most fucked up self-talk ever. I would ask myself why would someone hire me and I never had a good answer. I would always think well why would they? I have no children. I don’t have a medical…
Doula Byte: Empowerment
Let’s talk about empowerment! This is a doula byte do you do not want to miss! Can someone who lacks empowerment in their own life empower another? We recognize that birth as an individual’s sacred moment. An experience that lasts a lifetime. A powerful experience where there are no do-overs. It’s a story that they will tell again and again. Yet when a birth worker is carrying trauma from their own experience they can’t effectively help another have an empowering experience of their own. If you are dealing with your own past experience, you can’t be fully present for the client that you are serving. There is a tendency among…
Episode 12: What We Are Taught: Why It Matters
What we are taught as doulas shapes the way we move within the birth world. It shapes how we interact with providers, nurses and other complementary professionals. On this episode, we discuss the history of what doulas have been taught and why it matters. The messages that doulas were taught have influenced how providers perceive doulas. It hasn’t always been positive. Some doula organizations teach doulas to set themselves apart from the providers. Even going as far as to tell doulas to not interact with providers. Be a fly on the wall. Doulas have also been taught to not discuss their own experiences with their clients. When building a relationship…
Episode 11: Doulas and Insurance
Today we bring you a double shot of round table talk about doulas and insurance. First up we take a look at insurance coverage for doula services. The desire to have health insurance cover the cost of doula care is a popular one in the doula community. However, when doulas join a managed health care system, this comes with regulation, restrictions and allowing someone else to see our fees. As we’ve recently seen in New York state, covering doula care in a state healthcare system comes with problems. There is a fee to participate. The state sets the fee and what services the doula must provide. Most concerningly, the state…