Doula Bytes: Collaboration vs Competition in the Birth Community
In the birth community, there seems to be two sides when it comes to the idea of competition vs collaboration. Some believe that collaboration should always trump competition. While others believe that competition is healthy and pushes us to do better. In this Doula Byte, we discuss the idea of collaboration over competition and share our ideas, beliefs, and viewpoints on this divided topic. Join us on our Facebook page to join in on the discussion!
Doula Bytes: The Birth Bag
Welcome to our first Doula Byte Session. These mini sessions are snippets of discussions we have behind the scenes. We wanted to give you some insight into the conversations that we have that may or may not result in a full episode, but are an important, controversial or funny none the less. There’s a lot of discussion amongst doulas about what to pack in their birth bag. We explore why doulas feel the need to carry a birth bag. The common items that are carried and explore the idea that clients should be encouraged to build their own bag.
Episode 0: Meet Your Hosts
Meet your hosts! Eva and Angela sit down to share more about who they are. They also discuss why this podcast was created, and share a little teaser on the launch episode which will be released on March 22nd, 2019! Grab a seat and let us explain why we are so excited to bring this podcast to you!
Doulas of the Roundtable Trailer
Doulas of the Roundtable is a place where all voices are equal, knowledge is shared and hard topics are talked about. Our podcast was born through a series of late-night talks between two doulas on opposite ends of the experience spectrum. Our late night chat sessions helped us to discover that we came into this field from two totally different perspectives. As a result, many interesting, inspiring and hard conversations were born. Conversations that we wanted to share and engage in with a larger audience. Make sure you subscribe and look for more episodes comimg soon!